Modem (GSM Tel-Link) - Data Logger Connection:

Product Specifications:

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Please Note:

Due to the different frequencies used by GSM networks worldwide etc; we only support using the GSM Tel-Link Modem within New Zealand.

GSM connection schematic - HR Series


The TruTrack GSM Tel-Link Modem is a pole mounted, fully weatherproof (IP66) GSM Cellular Telemetry system used to access Logger and Weather Station data across the GSM Cellular network.

The unit is fitted with a 2 metre communications cable ready for connection into GP-MC enclosures, sockets on the underside of the L Bar Equipment Arm and HR series telemetry adapters.

There is a power socket on the underside of the GSM Tel-Link Modem. This can be connected to any 12volt (with a minimum 350mA output current) source including the Solar Power Supply, our PSW-10 Instrument Power Supply and mains powered plug packs.

The Tel-Link Modem is supplied with a +3dBd half wave antenna. This is connected to a TNC connector so high gain antennas can be fitted if required.

Intech Instruments Ltd recommends the use of GSM Modems at both ends of the connection (I.e. PC running OmniLog & remote logger). The GSM Modem at the PC end does not necessarily need to be our GSM Tel-Link.

GSM connection schematic - GP-MC